And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free! John 8:23
VIC (Vaccine Information Coalition) Fellowship
We are parents of vaccine injured children, who were "labeled" autistic and have been their voice for 25 years. Autism has increased from 1 in 10,000 in the 1980's to almost every other child today and it's impossible to have a genetic epidemic.
Please learn from our mistake and “Educate BEFORE You Vaccinate!”
We are parents of vaccine injured children, who were "labeled" autistic and have been their voice for 25 years. Autism has increased from 1 in 10,000 in the 1980's to almost every other child today and it's impossible to have a genetic epidemic.
Please learn from our mistake and “Educate BEFORE You Vaccinate!”
We are the creator and supplier of the "Educate BEFORE You Vaccinate" business cards, with the accumulative ingredients on the back and have been shipping them for FREE all over the world for 25 years! Please help plant the seeds Yah (aka God) will grow!!!
To give a donation to our tax-exempt, non-profit ministry you may use Zelle with most banks and send to our [email protected] email. You may also visit our Wells Fargo bank and make a direct deposit or snail mail to VIC Fellowship 4371 Northlake Blvd, #333 Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33410. Thank you dearly for your support!!!
To give a donation to our tax-exempt, non-profit ministry you may use Zelle with most banks and send to our [email protected] email. You may also visit our Wells Fargo bank and make a direct deposit or snail mail to VIC Fellowship 4371 Northlake Blvd, #333 Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33410. Thank you dearly for your support!!!
Vaccines have NEVER been tested for quality and have had NO PROVEN SAFETY or effectiveness for over 35 years!
Click on the link above to watch video titled U.S. GOVT LOSES LANDMARK VACCINE LAWSUIT
What are you injecting?
Mercury, Aluminum, Formaldehyde, Nagalase, Squalene, Glyphosate, Polysorbate 80, MSG, HCG, Antifreeze, Cadmium, Lead, Glycerin, E-Coli, Sulfates, Antibiotics, Acetone, Viruses, Neo/Streptomycin, Animal blood/cells, Foreign DNA, mRNA, Aborted Fetal Tissue (MRC5), Nanobots, Hydrogel, Graphene Oxide/Hydroxide, Hydra Vulgaris, Mycoplasma, Tromethamine, luciferase, etc...
'For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the slaughter-place to make atonement for your lives, for it is the blood that makes atonement for the life.' Leviticus 17:11
Above is our presentation from years ago, of what we had to learn the hardest way possible and what we ALL have the right to know! Dr. Sam Bailey in New Zealand has many videos confirming our belief. She quotes and we agree that "SV40 is not a virus! It's a component found in some monkey cells and other primate tissues" the drug companies use to make vaccines.
Please join our "What in the Cell is Going On?" weekly radio show on Mondays at 2pm EST by going to or calling 605-562-5119 to hear live. You may also listen later by going to our website Progressive Radio Network has created for us. You may also download the Podbean app and search for our show titled What in the Cell is Going On? You don't want to miss and share with everyone the ONLY truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth radio show!
July 14, 2003
The vaccine manufacturers, the Center for Disease Control, the FDA, and the various medical associations have failed miserably in their duty to protect our children. Rather than acknowledge their role in creating the immense, catastrophic rise in autism, these organizations have resorted to denial and obfuscation. They stand to lose their credibility, and billions of dollars in liability suits will soon reach the courts.
As a full-time professional research scientist for 50 years, and as a researcher in the field of autism for 45 years, I have been shocked and chagrined by the medical establishment’s ongoing efforts to trivialize the solid and compelling evidence that faulty vaccination policies are the root cause of the epidemic. There are many consistent lines of evidence implicating vaccines, and no even marginally plausible alternative hypotheses.
- As the number of childhood vaccines has increased 700%, from 3 in the ‘70s to 22 in 2000, the prevalence of autism has also showed a parallel increase of 700%..
- Late onset autism, (starting in the 2nd year), was almost unheard of in the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s; today such cases outnumber early onset cases 5 to 1, the increase paralleling the increase in required vaccines.
- Thousands of parents report – and demonstrate with home videos -- that their children were normal and responsive until suffering an adverse vaccine reaction. (The Autism Research Institute has been tracking such autism-related vaccination reactions since 1967.)
- Mercury, one of the most toxic substances known, is used as a preservative in many vaccines. Some infants have had 125 times the maximum allowable limit of mercury injected directly into their bloodstreams, in one day, in vaccines. (People vary enormously in their sensitivity to mercury, because certain genes predispose to mercury sensitivity. The highly-touted New England Journal of Medicine Danish study failed to mention the very convenient fact that none of the Danish children had prior exposure to mercury, since Denmark, unlike the U.S. had, banned mercury from childhood vaccines in 1992, the year before the birth year of the children in the study.)
- There are numerous scientific studies showing large differences in clinical laboratory measures of blood, urine and biopsies which compare autistic children with normal controls. Such findings, pointing directly to vaccines as the cause of the group differences, are conveniently overlooked by those attempting to conceal the strong connection between the autism epidemic and excessive use of unsafe vaccines.
The truth must – and will – emerge. It is long overdue.
Bernard Rimland, Ph.D.
Director, Autism Research Institute
Editor, Autism Research Review International
Founder, Autism Society of America
Click on the link below to see Dr. Andy Wakefield, who was the 1st doctor to listen to us parents about our child's autism being caused by their childhood vaccines. We sponsored him in 2001 in south Florida, where 600 parents attended and we raised 40,000 for his research!
One of our MD informants emailed this VAXXED 2 video with the following comments "My prayer is that every politician, nurse, physician, PA, NP, high school & college student, as well as every couple who has (or plans to have) any children, sees this documentary. We recently saw how the truth is hidden from the innocent people of the world by once trusted “agencies” and governments. These entities care little or nothing about the health of the people at all. THE WHOLE WORLD HAS SEEN THIS IN THE LAST 4 YEARS VERY CLEARLY. Powerful groups with massive finances DO NOT want anyone to know the following information."
Listen to our radio show above and click on the link titled 20 THINGS YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT POLIO to see the website with many other wonderful resources!
Below is an email from one of our MD informants:
There are many (suppressed and hard to find) books and articles and video lectures that trace ALL “vaccines” (or any related “shots”) back the Egyptian BC era, and there are thousands of references in these documents, and THE FACTS ARE CLEAR….
-there is no adequately studied or tested vaccine.
-there is no safe vaccine.
-there is no necessary vaccine.
-vaccines do not in any way stop or lessen any real or significant disease.
-vaccines have never stopped the spread or transmission of any real or significant disease.
-vaccines are all dangerous and harmful to humans, and damage the immune system.
-vaccines have actually been the cause of many so-called “pandemics” like the “Spanish flu” and all the recent “xyz” flu’s and “xyz” pox “ infections”.
-vaccines do not, and have never, caused a healthier population.
-vaccines do not, and have never, provided any health benefits for any population.
-vaccines are the cause of SIDS, autism, food allergies, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, learning disabilities, childhood behavioral problems, reading problems in children, speech delays in children, cognitive impairment in children, many cancers, eczema in children, juvenile arthritis, autoimmune diabetes, transverse myelitis and paralysis, many “unexplained” deaths, and the list goes on.
-the proof is that none of these (above noted diseases) are seen in “unvaccinated” children.
-as further proof, the definitions and recordings of many of these diseases have repeatedly been changed, altered, deleted, or distorted to hide the real evidence and truth.
-the USA children are the most heavily vaccinated in the world, and they are THE MOST diseased and unhealthy in the world. Clearly, anyone with a brain can see the issue.
-every family and group that has children with no vaccines demonstrates that these kids are always healthy, never sick, and none has had, or will get, the long list of diseases mentioned earlier in this post (see above). They do not ever go to any doctor because they are not sick. They are not on antibiotics. They have healthy robust immune systems. Dr Paul Thomas published a study that proved this. His reward? The criminal BigPharma medical mafia tried to destroy him. They cannot allow anyone to leak out real science and real truth. Their massive "cash cow" (called "mandated vaccines") would be exposed for the cruel fraud that it is.
-all those who are members of the vaccine-pushing CULT (there is no science—it’s literally a pseudo-religious cult) need to stand trial and be imprisoned for life in solitary, or possibly executed, for mass murder and criminal malicious damage of many millions of innocent children.
-the doctors and “experts” who push vaccines, block all questions that real science-based doctors ask, and bully patients to submit to what factually are never-tested chemical mixtures called "vaccines" have already made millions of dollars from vaccines, and stand to make millions more as people are bullied to allow them? (And by the way, these contain parts of killed babies, parts of cancer gene fragments, parts of animal virus & cancer gene fragments, and several above the EPA safety level toxic chemicals.)
-the pediatric and general doctors who give out the vaccines (without ever reading the package insert of what they contain, and without ever discussing “informed consent” with the parents) get sometimes ¾ of their yearly income from BigPharma based on how many vaccines they give out?
-the reason why pediatricians “kick out” of their practice parents and kids who choose NOT to get vaccines is because (a) the BigPharma kickback “deal” says that 99% of the kids have to get these toxic shots, and (b) the BigPharma cannot allow vax kid parents to see that the not vaxxed kids are healthy and never sick? That's too risky.
In 10 years there would be the healthiest population of children and teens ever, and 90% of all diseases now seen in this group would be gone. BUT PHARMA CANNOT ALLOW THAT BECAUSE THEY WOULD LOSE BILLIONS MONTHLY DUE TO ALL THE HEALTHY KIDS AND TEENS NOT NEEDING ALL THE DRUGS THAT THEY NOW ARE FORCED TO BUY FROM PHARMA NOW.
-there is no adequately studied or tested vaccine.
-there is no safe vaccine.
-there is no necessary vaccine.
-vaccines do not in any way stop or lessen any real or significant disease.
-vaccines have never stopped the spread or transmission of any real or significant disease.
-vaccines are all dangerous and harmful to humans, and damage the immune system.
-vaccines have actually been the cause of many so-called “pandemics” like the “Spanish flu” and all the recent “xyz” flu’s and “xyz” pox “ infections”.
-vaccines do not, and have never, caused a healthier population.
-vaccines do not, and have never, provided any health benefits for any population.
-vaccines are the cause of SIDS, autism, food allergies, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, learning disabilities, childhood behavioral problems, reading problems in children, speech delays in children, cognitive impairment in children, many cancers, eczema in children, juvenile arthritis, autoimmune diabetes, transverse myelitis and paralysis, many “unexplained” deaths, and the list goes on.
-the proof is that none of these (above noted diseases) are seen in “unvaccinated” children.
-as further proof, the definitions and recordings of many of these diseases have repeatedly been changed, altered, deleted, or distorted to hide the real evidence and truth.
-the USA children are the most heavily vaccinated in the world, and they are THE MOST diseased and unhealthy in the world. Clearly, anyone with a brain can see the issue.
-every family and group that has children with no vaccines demonstrates that these kids are always healthy, never sick, and none has had, or will get, the long list of diseases mentioned earlier in this post (see above). They do not ever go to any doctor because they are not sick. They are not on antibiotics. They have healthy robust immune systems. Dr Paul Thomas published a study that proved this. His reward? The criminal BigPharma medical mafia tried to destroy him. They cannot allow anyone to leak out real science and real truth. Their massive "cash cow" (called "mandated vaccines") would be exposed for the cruel fraud that it is.
-all those who are members of the vaccine-pushing CULT (there is no science—it’s literally a pseudo-religious cult) need to stand trial and be imprisoned for life in solitary, or possibly executed, for mass murder and criminal malicious damage of many millions of innocent children.
-the doctors and “experts” who push vaccines, block all questions that real science-based doctors ask, and bully patients to submit to what factually are never-tested chemical mixtures called "vaccines" have already made millions of dollars from vaccines, and stand to make millions more as people are bullied to allow them? (And by the way, these contain parts of killed babies, parts of cancer gene fragments, parts of animal virus & cancer gene fragments, and several above the EPA safety level toxic chemicals.)
-the pediatric and general doctors who give out the vaccines (without ever reading the package insert of what they contain, and without ever discussing “informed consent” with the parents) get sometimes ¾ of their yearly income from BigPharma based on how many vaccines they give out?
-the reason why pediatricians “kick out” of their practice parents and kids who choose NOT to get vaccines is because (a) the BigPharma kickback “deal” says that 99% of the kids have to get these toxic shots, and (b) the BigPharma cannot allow vax kid parents to see that the not vaxxed kids are healthy and never sick? That's too risky.
In 10 years there would be the healthiest population of children and teens ever, and 90% of all diseases now seen in this group would be gone. BUT PHARMA CANNOT ALLOW THAT BECAUSE THEY WOULD LOSE BILLIONS MONTHLY DUE TO ALL THE HEALTHY KIDS AND TEENS NOT NEEDING ALL THE DRUGS THAT THEY NOW ARE FORCED TO BUY FROM PHARMA NOW.
Sorry but the "history" of the 1918 Spanish Flu you were "taught" in "school" did more damage than good....Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit America, the Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the massive nation-wide vaccine campaign. The doctors told the people that the disease was caused by germs. Viruses were not known at that time or they would have been blamed. Germs. bacteria and viruses, along with bacilli and a few other invisible organisms are the scapegoats which the doctors like to blame for the things they do not understand. If the doctor makes a wrong diagnosis and treatment, and kills the patient, he can always blame it on the germs, and say the patient didn't get an early diagnosis and come to him in time.
If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were returning home from overseas. That was the first war in hich all the known vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison drugs and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common talk of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots than by enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times higher than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued doggedly.
It was a shorter war than the vaccine-makers had planned on, only about a year for us, so the vaccine promoters had a lot of unused, spoiling vaccines left over which they wanted to sell at a good profit. So they did what they usually do, they called a meeting behind closed doors, and plotted the whole sordid program, a nationwide (worldwide) vaccination drive using all their vaccines, and telling the people that the soldiers were coming home with many dread diseases contracted in foreign countries and that it was the patriotic duty of every man, woman and child to get “protected” by rushing down to the vaccination centers and having all the shots.
Most people believe their doctors and government officials, and do what they say. The result was, that almost the entire population submitted to the shots without question, and it was only a matter of hours until people began dropping dead in agony, while many others collapsed with a disease of such virulence that no one had ever seen anything like it before. They had all the characteristics of the diseases they had been vaccinated against, the high fever, chills, pain, cramps, diarrhea, etc. of typhoid, and the pneumonia like lung and throat congestion of diphtheria and the vomiting, headache, weakness and misery of hepatitis from the jungle fever shots, and the outbreak of sores on the skin from the smallpox shots, along with paralysis from all the shots, etc.
The doctors were baffled, and claimed they didnt know what caused the strange and deadly disease, and they certainly had no cure. They should have known the underlying cause was the vaccinations, because the same thing happened to the soldiers after they had their shots at camp. The typhoid fever shots caused a worse form of the disease which they called para-typhoid. Then they tried to suppress the symptoms of that one with a stronger vaccine which caused a still more serious disease which killed and disabled a great many men. The combination of all the poison vaccines fermenting together in the body, caused such violent reactions that they could not cope with the situation. Disaster ran rampant in the camps. Some of the military hospitals were filled with nothing but paralyzed soldiers, and they were called war casualties, even before they left American soil. I talked to some of the survivors of that vaccine onslaught when they returned home after the war, and they told of the horrors, not of the war itself, and battles, but of the sickness at camp.
The doctors didn't want this massive vaccine disease to reflect on them, so they, agreed among themselves to call it Spanish Influenza. Spain was a far away place and some of the soldiers had been there, so the idea of calling it Spanish Influenza seemed to be a good way to lay the blame on someone else. The Spanish resented having us name the world scourge on them. They knew the flu didn't originate in their country.
20,000,000 died of that flu epidemic, worldwide, and it seemed to be almost universal or as far away as the vaccinations reached. Greece and a few other countries which did not accept the vaccines were the only ones which were not hit by the flu. Doesn't that prove something?
At home (in the U.S.) the situation was the same; the only ones who escaped the influenza were those who had refused the vaccinations. My family and I were among the few who persisted in refusing the high pressure sales propaganda ,and none of us had the flu not even a sniffle, in spite of the fact that it was all around us, and in the bitter cold of winter. Everyone seemed to have it. The whole town was down sick and dying. The hospitals were closed because the doctors and nurses were down with the flu. Everything was closed, schools, businesses, post office everything. No one was on the streets. It was like a ghost town. There were no doctors to care for the sick, so my parents went from house to house doing what they could to help the stricken in any way they could. They spent all day and part of the night for weeks, in the sick rooms, and came home only to eat and sleep. If germs or viruses, bacteria, or any other little organisms were the cause of that disease, they had plenty of opportunity to latch onto my parents and “lay them low” with the disease which had prostrated the world. But germs were not the cause of that or any other disease, so they didn't “catch” it. I have talked to a few other people since that time, who said they escaped the 1918 flu, so I asked if they had the shots, and in every case, they said they had never believed in shots and had never had any of them. Common sense tells us that all those toxic vaccines all mixed up together in people, could not help but cause extreme body-poisoning and poisoning of some kind or another is usually the cause of disease.
Whenever a person coughs or sneezes, most people cringe, thinking that the germs are being spread around in the air and will attack people. There is no need to fear those germs any more, because that is not the way colds are developed. Germs cant live apart from the cells (host) and cant do harm anyway, even if they wanted to. They have no teeth to bite anyone, no poison pouches like snakes, mosquitoes or bees, and do not multiply, except in decomposed substances, so they are helpless to harm. As stated before, their purpose is useful, not destructive.
The 1918 flu was the most devastating disease we ever had, and it brought forth all the medical bag of tricks to quell it, but those added drugs, all of which are poisons, only intensified the over-poisoned condition of the people, so the treatments actually killed more than the "disease" did, as is always the case with chronic diseases.
Source: Vaccination The Silent Killer: A Clear And Present Danger by Ida Honorof and E. McBean (Paperback - 1977) Out of Print–Limited Availability
If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see that it suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our soldiers were returning home from overseas. That was the first war in hich all the known vaccines were forced on all the servicemen. This mish-mash of poison drugs and putrid protein of which the vaccines were composed, caused such widespread disease and death among the soldiers that it was the common talk of the day, that more of our men were being killed by medical shots than by enemy shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of battle. The death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers was four times higher than among the unvaccinated civilians. But this did not stop the vaccine promoters. Vaccine has always been big business, and so it was continued doggedly.
It was a shorter war than the vaccine-makers had planned on, only about a year for us, so the vaccine promoters had a lot of unused, spoiling vaccines left over which they wanted to sell at a good profit. So they did what they usually do, they called a meeting behind closed doors, and plotted the whole sordid program, a nationwide (worldwide) vaccination drive using all their vaccines, and telling the people that the soldiers were coming home with many dread diseases contracted in foreign countries and that it was the patriotic duty of every man, woman and child to get “protected” by rushing down to the vaccination centers and having all the shots.
Most people believe their doctors and government officials, and do what they say. The result was, that almost the entire population submitted to the shots without question, and it was only a matter of hours until people began dropping dead in agony, while many others collapsed with a disease of such virulence that no one had ever seen anything like it before. They had all the characteristics of the diseases they had been vaccinated against, the high fever, chills, pain, cramps, diarrhea, etc. of typhoid, and the pneumonia like lung and throat congestion of diphtheria and the vomiting, headache, weakness and misery of hepatitis from the jungle fever shots, and the outbreak of sores on the skin from the smallpox shots, along with paralysis from all the shots, etc.
The doctors were baffled, and claimed they didnt know what caused the strange and deadly disease, and they certainly had no cure. They should have known the underlying cause was the vaccinations, because the same thing happened to the soldiers after they had their shots at camp. The typhoid fever shots caused a worse form of the disease which they called para-typhoid. Then they tried to suppress the symptoms of that one with a stronger vaccine which caused a still more serious disease which killed and disabled a great many men. The combination of all the poison vaccines fermenting together in the body, caused such violent reactions that they could not cope with the situation. Disaster ran rampant in the camps. Some of the military hospitals were filled with nothing but paralyzed soldiers, and they were called war casualties, even before they left American soil. I talked to some of the survivors of that vaccine onslaught when they returned home after the war, and they told of the horrors, not of the war itself, and battles, but of the sickness at camp.
The doctors didn't want this massive vaccine disease to reflect on them, so they, agreed among themselves to call it Spanish Influenza. Spain was a far away place and some of the soldiers had been there, so the idea of calling it Spanish Influenza seemed to be a good way to lay the blame on someone else. The Spanish resented having us name the world scourge on them. They knew the flu didn't originate in their country.
20,000,000 died of that flu epidemic, worldwide, and it seemed to be almost universal or as far away as the vaccinations reached. Greece and a few other countries which did not accept the vaccines were the only ones which were not hit by the flu. Doesn't that prove something?
At home (in the U.S.) the situation was the same; the only ones who escaped the influenza were those who had refused the vaccinations. My family and I were among the few who persisted in refusing the high pressure sales propaganda ,and none of us had the flu not even a sniffle, in spite of the fact that it was all around us, and in the bitter cold of winter. Everyone seemed to have it. The whole town was down sick and dying. The hospitals were closed because the doctors and nurses were down with the flu. Everything was closed, schools, businesses, post office everything. No one was on the streets. It was like a ghost town. There were no doctors to care for the sick, so my parents went from house to house doing what they could to help the stricken in any way they could. They spent all day and part of the night for weeks, in the sick rooms, and came home only to eat and sleep. If germs or viruses, bacteria, or any other little organisms were the cause of that disease, they had plenty of opportunity to latch onto my parents and “lay them low” with the disease which had prostrated the world. But germs were not the cause of that or any other disease, so they didn't “catch” it. I have talked to a few other people since that time, who said they escaped the 1918 flu, so I asked if they had the shots, and in every case, they said they had never believed in shots and had never had any of them. Common sense tells us that all those toxic vaccines all mixed up together in people, could not help but cause extreme body-poisoning and poisoning of some kind or another is usually the cause of disease.
Whenever a person coughs or sneezes, most people cringe, thinking that the germs are being spread around in the air and will attack people. There is no need to fear those germs any more, because that is not the way colds are developed. Germs cant live apart from the cells (host) and cant do harm anyway, even if they wanted to. They have no teeth to bite anyone, no poison pouches like snakes, mosquitoes or bees, and do not multiply, except in decomposed substances, so they are helpless to harm. As stated before, their purpose is useful, not destructive.
The 1918 flu was the most devastating disease we ever had, and it brought forth all the medical bag of tricks to quell it, but those added drugs, all of which are poisons, only intensified the over-poisoned condition of the people, so the treatments actually killed more than the "disease" did, as is always the case with chronic diseases.
Source: Vaccination The Silent Killer: A Clear And Present Danger by Ida Honorof and E. McBean (Paperback - 1977) Out of Print–Limited Availability
Click on the links below to access
Event 201
Click on the above link to see how they planned "their' agenda on 10/18/2019
Click on the above link to see how they planned "their' agenda on 10/18/2019
Well Bill Gates and the WHO have ran a simulation of the next pandemic, coming soon to a government near you! The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation conducted another pandemic tabletop exercise in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022. The phenomenon is dubbed SEERS, Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025. You ready?
Please keep Dr's Samantha and Mark Bailey from New Zealand in your prayers and we thank them dearly!
Visit and to see many more wonderful videos and order their books!
Visit and to see many more wonderful videos and order their books!
Below is Steve Kirsch's full presentation on both on bitchute and rumble, so click on the titles to view!
The audio is out for the 1st few minutes on both videos, so be patient and we believe he deserves a huge standing ovation!
The audio is out for the 1st few minutes on both videos, so be patient and we believe he deserves a huge standing ovation!
HOW LONG HAVE "THEY" REALLY KNOWN??? Find out by watching the 4 video's below!
The video above is in memory of Dr. Robert Mendelson, who was a pediatrician and we quote him in our presentation. He wrote a wonderful book titled "How to Raise a Healthy Child, In Spite of Your Doctor" that we highly recommend if you have young children.
Below are the comments emailed to us from another wise medical doctor and by clicking on it, will give you many resources on the devastating injuries from today's vaccines! He also emailed the article below to us from another medical doctor and we interviewed another wise medical doctor on our radio show 11/7/22, which can be accessed on our website. They are finally waking up to the truth, due to the hoax!
"What is perhaps the most emotionally devastating for all of us honest people in the healthcare profession is the degree of overt deception, coverup, lie telling, false information, and total censorship of hundreds of doctors and real scientists WHO TRIED TO HELP THE WORLD AND TELL THE TRUTH"
"What is perhaps the most emotionally devastating for all of us honest people in the healthcare profession is the degree of overt deception, coverup, lie telling, false information, and total censorship of hundreds of doctors and real scientists WHO TRIED TO HELP THE WORLD AND TELL THE TRUTH"
Here's another quote from the same medical doctor above that was emailed
to us 12/01/2023 and he has the Holy Spirit, HalleluYah!
to us 12/01/2023 and he has the Holy Spirit, HalleluYah!
Please look at the facts. Protect your family. And, you probably know, the deception being promoted is that "mRNA" is "messenger RNA. IT IS NOT. Reading the patents and the Pfizer documents clearly reveals the "switching" of meaning.
In these bioweapon toxic 'death shots' what they have REDEFINED the abbreviation to stand for is MANUFACTURED RNA. That is, it is NOT any natural sequence. It is man made. It is synthetic. It is meant to re-program DNA. It gets into cells because it's hidden in a plasmid. Of most importance are that (1) its actual long term effects are not known (2) how long it last and keeps reprogramming DNA is not known (3) it will get into cells everywhere, but especially into brain, heart, nerves, ovaries, testes, bone marrow, lymph nodes (4) Under no circumstances does this technology promote ANYTHING HEALTHY.
CAUTION: IF this "manufactured RNA" is used for any other vaccines, DO NOT GET ANYTHING WITH THIS "mRNA" BASIS, and DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILDREN OR FAMILY TO GET IT.
In these bioweapon toxic 'death shots' what they have REDEFINED the abbreviation to stand for is MANUFACTURED RNA. That is, it is NOT any natural sequence. It is man made. It is synthetic. It is meant to re-program DNA. It gets into cells because it's hidden in a plasmid. Of most importance are that (1) its actual long term effects are not known (2) how long it last and keeps reprogramming DNA is not known (3) it will get into cells everywhere, but especially into brain, heart, nerves, ovaries, testes, bone marrow, lymph nodes (4) Under no circumstances does this technology promote ANYTHING HEALTHY.
CAUTION: IF this "manufactured RNA" is used for any other vaccines, DO NOT GET ANYTHING WITH THIS "mRNA" BASIS, and DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILDREN OR FAMILY TO GET IT.
Another email received 1/10/24 from the same MD
I thought it couldn’t get worse. The Manufactured RNA (no, mRNA is not “messenger” RNA!) is a synthetic man made monster bioweapon DNA-plasmid-graphite-lipid nano particle laden toxic soup that invades every cell of the body, that poisons every cell of the body, and damages every organ system of the body (immune, cardiovascular, joint, neurological, respiratory, renal, reproductive) in ways that have already killed 17+ million, have already disabled over 30 million, and will be manifesting ongoing future deaths and diseases in every person still alive who received the shot.
EVERY person, institution, lab, journal, media company, big tech platform, alphabet agency personnel involved in pushing this, in censoring those speaking truth about the shot’s risks/dangers, or in promoting this known deadly toxic experimental never-safety-tested bioweapon shot needs to be arrested, tried as mass murderers, tried as violating the Nuremberg code, and SENTENCED to the harshest possible punishment.
EVERY person, institution, lab, journal, media company, big tech platform, alphabet agency personnel involved in pushing this, in censoring those speaking truth about the shot’s risks/dangers, or in promoting this known deadly toxic experimental never-safety-tested bioweapon shot needs to be arrested, tried as mass murderers, tried as violating the Nuremberg code, and SENTENCED to the harshest possible punishment.
Below is the latest email from the same MD on 5/14/24, along with the above picture.
Please keep him in your prayers!
Please keep him in your prayers!
Why are the people not free to refuse toxic & sometimes deadly medical procedures, shots, surgeries, etc??
Answer: The proven felons of the “big Pharma mafia” control all politicians, all judges, all medical journals, all medical schools, all medical societies, and all the so-called “regulatory agencies” (that for 40 years have been actually controlled by BigPharma, and have no interest in protecting the people or in promoting health).
As many of those censored & silenced doctors have been saying for years now, someday in a future time that will be more honest, more science-based, & less corrupt, society will be asking “HOW COULD THE SO-CALLED ‘MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT’ HAVE BEEN SO DISHONEST, SO ANTI-SCIENTIFIC, AND SO BOUGHT OFF BY A CRIMINAL BIGPHARMA ‘MAFIA’ TO CAUSE THE DEATH AND LIFELONG DISABLING OF MILLIONS CHILDREN BY THOSE TOXIC AND HARMFUL‘VACCINES’ (when the evidence was available that their vaccines made NO ONE healthier, but clearly made almost everyone sicker, usually with chronic and life long illnesses).
Answer: The proven felons of the “big Pharma mafia” control all politicians, all judges, all medical journals, all medical schools, all medical societies, and all the so-called “regulatory agencies” (that for 40 years have been actually controlled by BigPharma, and have no interest in protecting the people or in promoting health).
As many of those censored & silenced doctors have been saying for years now, someday in a future time that will be more honest, more science-based, & less corrupt, society will be asking “HOW COULD THE SO-CALLED ‘MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT’ HAVE BEEN SO DISHONEST, SO ANTI-SCIENTIFIC, AND SO BOUGHT OFF BY A CRIMINAL BIGPHARMA ‘MAFIA’ TO CAUSE THE DEATH AND LIFELONG DISABLING OF MILLIONS CHILDREN BY THOSE TOXIC AND HARMFUL‘VACCINES’ (when the evidence was available that their vaccines made NO ONE healthier, but clearly made almost everyone sicker, usually with chronic and life long illnesses).
This is from a former "vaccine pushing" physician who actually did animal research on vaccine response in the 1970s. He completed medical school after that, and he went on to do a specialty residency and fellowship, for a total of 7 post MD years of training. He entered practice and after a number of years the "true scientist" in him began asking questions. This is his (painful but honest) conclusion.
Let’s think.
When one does the deep dive back to the actual beginning of “vaccines” (Jenner, smallpox, Lester England, etc) and then if one continues up through the polio lies, hoaxes, and constantly changed definitions. And if one discovers along the way that cancer viruses, toxic metals, human and monkey cancer DNA, etc have always been in vaccines, AND vaccine recipients usually get diseases (cancers, neuro-degenerative, immune, etc) approximately 20-40 years after these toxic shots.
And if that investigative person learns that DDT, glyphosate, and other gene and cell signaling disrupters all played a part in the many diseases that these “vaccines” were either supposed to prevent (but didn’t) … or that they actually caused many of the diseases that the “vaccinated” people got.
So then IF that person went looking for all the controlled scientific research studies that prove vaccine safety, efficacy, and effectiveness, that person would find that THERE ARE NONE.
The whole “field” of vaccine pushers is NOT a science. It is based on wishful thinking and opinions, and the pursuit of massive financial profits for the few.
By all criteria IT IS A CULT RELIGION.
Paul Thomas MD, pediatrician with 30 years experience, got a statistician and reviewed thousands of children, their vaccine history, their health, their medications, their diseases, etc, and this was over YEARS. There were 3 groups.
-fully vaccinated
-partially vaccinated
-never vaccinated.
Here they are. The children with the least # of vaccines were the healthiest, on the least # of meds, had the best health status, had the least # of medical contacts.
The more vaccines any child got, there was a direct correlation with sicknesses, diseases, hospital contacts , doctor, visits. etc.
SO here was a real scientist doctor, doing real science research, asking real science questions.
AND his reward?
Nobel Prize?
Doctor hero award?
NOPE. His medical license was suspended and all medical journals were told NOT to publish his research study.
Remember a CULT allows no science, no questions.
You see, vaccines have NO liability. BigPharma cannot be sued or be held accountable for any deaths or injuries that vaccines cause. It’s the law since 1986. What does that tell you?
Yes. The corruption and under the table payoffs are stunning.
In truth, vaccines are actually a…
Cash cow.
All profit with zero risk.
Free money for BigPharma.
AND, the heavily bribed pediatric groups and the heavily bribed government agencies have “mandated” that “every child” gets these unproven and unsafe shots and the taxpayers foot the bill. Money straight to BigPharma and the criminal politicians and agencies they regularly pay off.
And be assured that they do this daily.
And THAT'S why any and all people (from physicians to lab researchers to vaccine damage attorneys like RFK Jr) are censored, silenced, or vilified and quickly labeled "quacks" or "kooks" the second they say or write anything that is truthful about the dangers and non-efficacy of vaccines.
It's all money and power. No researchers get any grants or funding unless they “go along with the party line.
Dr "Falsi" literally has controlled the money spigot (for decades) that "awards" billions to med schools, scientific groups, and individuals so they can get their salaries, pay staff, publish "papers" IF they go along with the "vaccines are good" false narrative.
Dr Falsi has personally made many millions from vaccines.
BigPharma, makes out with multi-level profits from all vaccines. First they get massive profits from these "required" shots. THEN they stand to make money FOR YEARS TO COME from "treatments" of all the diseases that these shots cause. A business model dream come true. Life long customers who need to buy more drugs for diseases that the initial paid for produce CAUSED. Wow.
The vaccine emperor has on no cloths. When will this truth finally come out??
Move along folks. Nothing to see here. These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.
Please take time to listen to our radio show below and
hear many more details about the above 3 links!
hear many more details about the above 3 links!

22-10-24__classen_.mp3 | |
File Size: | 52010 kb |
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Dissolving Illustions - Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History Suzanne Humphries, MD
Download the book below
Download the book below

suzanne_humphries_dissolving_illusions_disappearance_polio__1_.pdf | |
File Size: | 1437 kb |
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The file below is proof of how much healthier are
unvaccinated, oppose to vaccinated!
unvaccinated, oppose to vaccinated!

vax_vs._unvax.pdf | |
File Size: | 4689 kb |
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For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10
Click on the Scripture above to see the profits being made
and visit our educate link at the top for more!
and visit our educate link at the top for more!
Please listen to our radio show above, to learn more and visit the bottom of our support
link to see a full presentation titled Who Are They? - The Battle of the Bloodlines
link to see a full presentation titled Who Are They? - The Battle of the Bloodlines
For the merchants were the great men of the earth; for by their
sorceries (pharmacia) were all nations deceived. Revelation 18:23
"The Scriptures" version is more of an accurate translation and says pharmacia
is "drug sorcery", which is promoted by the drug companies!
Who will rise up for Me against evildoers? Who will
stand up for Me against the workers of iniquity? Psalms 94:16
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You may also visit our Wells Fargo bank and make a direct deposit donation or snail mail to VIC Fellowship 4371 Northlake Blvd, #333 Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33410. Thank you dearly for your support!!!
use Zelle with most banks and send to our [email protected] email.
You may also visit our Wells Fargo bank and make a direct deposit donation or snail mail to VIC Fellowship 4371 Northlake Blvd, #333 Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33410. Thank you dearly for your support!!!
"Please learn from our mistake and Educate BEFORE You Vaccinate!"
Your Children... Your Choice... Your Rights...
Your Children... Your Choice... Your Rights...