What does the Bible say about GERMS?
Click on the above link to view an excellent video from Dr. Samantha Bailey in New Zealand!
Click on the above link to view an excellent video from Dr. Samantha Bailey in New Zealand!
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of Yahuah's (God’s) mercy,
to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Yahuah–this is
your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1
to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Yahuah–this is
your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1
The cost of our Creator's 21-Day Cellular Cleanse is $350, plus shipping and includes our coaching. Dr. Group's Footpads are an additional charge and are not necessary, as long as you are finding a way to sweat out the toxins in your cells!
Please call 561-291-2113 or email [email protected] to order.
Please call 561-291-2113 or email [email protected] to order.
One indeed believes to eat all food, but he who is weak eats only vegetables. Romans 14:2
In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of tree were for the healing of the nations. Revelation 22:2
Click on the titles below to watch other amazing videos from Dr. Sam on our cellular terrain!
Unmasking the Viral Paradigm
Unmasking the Viral Paradigm
Click on Part 1 & 2 radio shows below from an engineer, explaining the science behind the equipment and click on each link above to see a demonstration video of each device.
You may order, by clicking on the button above or call 561-291-2113
and we will it have it drop shipped from the manufacturer today!
and we will it have it drop shipped from the manufacturer today!
If any man defiles the temple of Yah (God), him shall Yah destroy;
for the temple of Yahuah is Holy, which temple you are! I Corinthians 3:17
for the temple of Yahuah is Holy, which temple you are! I Corinthians 3:17
The cost of our Creator's 21-Day Cellular Cleanse is $350, plus shipping and includes our coaching. Dr. Group's Footpads are an additional charge and are not necessary, as long as you are finding a way to sweat out the toxins in your cells! Please call 561-291-2113 to order.
Beloved, I wish above ALL things that you may prosper and
be in good health even as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2
Beloved, I wish above ALL things that you may prosper and
be in good health even as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2
Please join our "What in the Cell is Going On?" weekly radio show on Mondays at 2pm EST by going to PRN.live or calling 641-793-7091 to hear live. You may also access our show later, download it and share it by going to whatinthecell.podbean.com Progressive Radio
Network has created for us. There's also a Podbean app available to download,
so just search for our "What in the Cell" radio show to access over 5 years of shows.
You don't want to miss the ONLY truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth!
(In loving memory of Casi Renée 1995-1999 & Gary Tunsky 1960-2019)
Network has created for us. There's also a Podbean app available to download,
so just search for our "What in the Cell" radio show to access over 5 years of shows.
You don't want to miss the ONLY truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth!
(In loving memory of Casi Renée 1995-1999 & Gary Tunsky 1960-2019)
The Healing Power of Our Creator, HalleluYAH!
Click below to hear a long time supporter's testimony on our 2/26/24 radio show!
Below we interviewed a lady in Oregon, who started our Creator's 21-day cleanse and has weaned herself off antibiotics she's been taking since the 80's!
Or do you not know that your body is the Dwelling Place of the Set-apart Spirit who is in you, which you have from Yahuah, and you are not your own? For you were bought with a price, therefore esteem Yahuah in your body and in your spirit, which are of Yahuah. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Listen to our 2-12-24 radio show below of Dr. True sharing how he was divinely revealed to the Photon Sound Beam.
We have it available for only $2495, so please call us at 561-291-2113 to order yours today!
We have it available for only $2495, so please call us at 561-291-2113 to order yours today!
Below is a video and pictures of applying the Photon Sound Beam for 7 months to a completely severed finger tip, starting at the cuticle. The emergency room said "It's impossible for it to grow back" and witness the innate power from our Creator!
Below is a video and pictures of applying the Photon Sound Beam for 7 months to a completely severed finger tip, starting at the cuticle. The emergency room said "It's impossible for it to grow back" and witness the innate power from our Creator!
Product Description
Essential components to rebuilding and maintaining cellular homeostasis and healthy DNA are free electrons in the form of the Noble Gasses, Argon (Element #18) Krypton (Element #36) and Xenon (Element #54). The Photon Sound Beam electrifies these Noble Gasses and allows a powerful field of free electrons to penetrate the skin, tissues, organs and bone. Free electrons may facilitate all Mother Earth Minerals to their highest and best use inside the human body, and may help relieve chronic pain and quicken healing of acute injuries. Designed primarily for use by Naturopaths and Chiropractic Physicians, the Photon Sound Beam is now available for individual households. This is the ONLY unit of its kind to receive the seal of approval from the World Naturopathic Health Organization, and comes with a copy of this certification. Each unit is individually numbered and registered with the WNHO, guaranteeing it is indeed the original design.
Essential components to rebuilding and maintaining cellular homeostasis and healthy DNA are free electrons in the form of the Noble Gasses, Argon (Element #18) Krypton (Element #36) and Xenon (Element #54). The Photon Sound Beam electrifies these Noble Gasses and allows a powerful field of free electrons to penetrate the skin, tissues, organs and bone. Free electrons may facilitate all Mother Earth Minerals to their highest and best use inside the human body, and may help relieve chronic pain and quicken healing of acute injuries. Designed primarily for use by Naturopaths and Chiropractic Physicians, the Photon Sound Beam is now available for individual households. This is the ONLY unit of its kind to receive the seal of approval from the World Naturopathic Health Organization, and comes with a copy of this certification. Each unit is individually numbered and registered with the WNHO, guaranteeing it is indeed the original design.
We also offer the best quality minerals from our Creator, which is combined with the purest water that's 6 x distilled and deuterium free! Click on the button below to see all that we offer and/or call 561-291-2113 to place an order.
I give thanks to You, For I am awesomely and wondrously made!
Wondrous are Your works, And my being knows it well. Psalms 139:14
Wondrous are Your works, And my being knows it well. Psalms 139:14
Click on the link above to see the video
Click on the links above to view more of Dr. Sam Bailey!
Then Yahuah said “See, I have given you every plant that yields seed which is on the face of the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed, to you it is for food” Genesis 1:29
For the merchants were the great men of the earth; for by their
sorceries (pharmacia) were all nations deceived. Revelation 18:23
"The Scriptures" version of the Bible is a more accurate translation and pharmacia is "drug sorcery", which is promoted by the medical docs/pharmaceutical companies and the word "merchants" in the above Scripture is the family of the Radhanites! Click on link to hear our radio show!
sorceries (pharmacia) were all nations deceived. Revelation 18:23
"The Scriptures" version of the Bible is a more accurate translation and pharmacia is "drug sorcery", which is promoted by the medical docs/pharmaceutical companies and the word "merchants" in the above Scripture is the family of the Radhanites! Click on link to hear our radio show!
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some
coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced
themselves through with many sorrows. 1st Timothy 6:10
Click on the Scripture above to see prophecy fulfilled!
We are a distributor for the Cellvital Homecare System and please call us at 561-291-2113 to place an order. The prophylactic treatment can be done anywhere without a lot of effort. Inside the applicators of the homecare system are magnetic coils. If these are fed with electricity then a magnetic field is created, which moves through your whole body and vitalizes your 75 trillion body cells. It penetrates deeply into your body and reaches parts of your body where sport creams or heated mats will never reach. The magnetic field activates the bioelectricity in your body (ions), where the body's own impulses (frequencies), proteins, hormones, neurotransmitters, nerves, etc. are stimulated. This improves the circulation and the oxygen supply within the body with it. We discussed the results from this mat on our radio show https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-szra2-1384276 and it's amazing ability!
We also offer the authentic Russian Shungite mountain called the "Shoham Stone" (see video below) that is known as "A Healing Stone" to avoid negativity to the mass radiation from the towers and satellites! We have pendants, stickers for wifi devices, rocks to purify water and much more, so please contact us by calling 561-291-2113 to order anything you are interested in purchasing on their website above and we order it directly from Russia.
We also offer the authentic Russian Shungite mountain called the "Shoham Stone" (see video below) that is known as "A Healing Stone" to avoid negativity to the mass radiation from the towers and satellites! We have pendants, stickers for wifi devices, rocks to purify water and much more, so please contact us by calling 561-291-2113 to order anything you are interested in purchasing on their website above and we order it directly from Russia.
We have Pure-Legit Shilajit that is 100% sourced from the dew of the Colorado mountains! It's an ultra mineral called "Rock Honey" and is the best source proven, verified pure Shilajit available. It provides so much energy and activates your BAT (Brown Adipose Tissue), which is our stubborn fat and removes inches from the most needed areas of our bodies! Their website is www.ColoradoShilajit.com and please call us at 561-291-2113 to place an order.
"Please learn from our mistake and Educate BEFORE You Vaccinate!"
Your Children... Your Choice... Your Rights...
Your Children... Your Choice... Your Rights...
To give a donation to our tax-exempt, non-profit ministry you may use Zelle and send to our [email protected] email. You may also visit our Wells Fargo bank and make a direct donation or snail mail to VIC Fellowship 4371 Northlake Blvd, #333 Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33410. Thank you dearly for your support!!!